Applying for and transitioning to college is a natural evolution for students, but the process is multifaceted and emotional.

College visits, essays, test scheduling and preparation are among the many tasks involved in the college application process. It can be arduous for students and parents alike! I offer support in keeping track of the many deadlines and advising the student on the best ways to stay organized and on top of it all.
There are distinct steps in the college prep process. Part one is preparing students for various English and History AP Exams and SAT Subject Tests. Part two is offering tips and guidance on essays and supplements. By applying similar approaches I use in my tutoring - such as better organization, breaking down assignments and understanding the big picture - students take ownership in writing their applications and evaluating their options.
This part of the process usually completes the circle of the student's journey with me. However some students need some continuity of support in that first year.
For most of my students, the transition to college is pretty easeful. Some students want to keep in touch for support, and we’ll check in throughout the transition until they are ready to move on without help. In some cases, I begin working with a student already enrolled in college. My primary focus as a tutor with college-age students is writing instruction - since that is a vital aspect of curriculum - but I also support general study skills. Before tutoring full time, I edited PhD dissertations and call on that experience when supporting college-level academic writing.